Learn More
Our purpose is to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment.
What is the Great Commandment?
What is the Great Commission?
What is a Disciple?
A disciple is a learner, a follower, a person, who is eager to apply the truths Jesus teaches. Disciples aren’t people who think they have it all together and have everything figured out. They’re people in progress – desiring to grow in love, grace, peace, hope and truth.
At Redemption, we describe a thriving disciple as someone who is: abiding in Christ, connecting in the Church, and reaching the community. These three concepts are essential for all who are striving by God’s grace to glorify Him as faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
We believe the disciples of Jesus Christ should minister to one another in the local church. It’s not about one or a small number of pastors bearing the total responsibility to care for the entire congregation. It’s about all disciples using their God-given spiritual gifts to provide mutual ministry in the context of the vibrant and strong local church (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Elder/Staff Team
Ian Hales
Brian Raby
Elder/Pastor of Discipleship
Matt Sylvester
Rowan Fraser
John Tadros
Mark Sylvester
Director of Worship
Austin Pomeroy
Mark Hauch
Director of
Family Ministries
Jamie Newman
Director of
Youth and Young Adults
Paul Flannery
Director of Soul Care and Connections
Maggie Nicoletti
Financial Administrator
Tori Lesniara
Administrative Assistant
Our Doctrine
Our Doctrinal Statement
Our Teaching On Specific Issues
Our History
In the Durham Region in 2005, a group of young men began to meet regularly to study God’s Word together. The group began to see significant growth as God transformed their lives through His Word. As a result of this season, God gave some of them a desire to be trained for ministry and to plant a church in Canada.
In 2006, while some of the men were being trained at The Master’s Seminary in California, a relationship was formed with Harvest Bible Fellowship at a recruitment meeting. This relationship led to the prospect of another Harvest Bible Chapel in Ontario.
At the same time, numerous believers from Durham Region – including many who were a part of that initial Bible Study – began to attend Harvest Bible Chapel York Region in Markham. In 2008, the leadership of Harvest York Region, aware of the large number of people attending from Durham Region and of HBF’s desire to plant in Durham, expressed their desire to play a significant role in this new church plant. In the fall of 2009, the planting of Harvest Bible Chapel Durham was announced and a Launch Team began to form and prepare.
Meanwhile, God had been preparing many in the Durham Region to be involved in this work, and over the course of 2010 many dedicated followers of Jesus Christ made the decision to commit their time, money, energy, prayers, and families to this new work. By the grace of God, Harvest Bible Chapel Durham launched on September 19, 2010 at Donald A. Wilson Secondary School in Whitby. Our passion is to see “lost people saved, saved people matured, and mature people multiplied, all to the glory of God” and we are thankful to say that God has been faithful to save, mature, and multiply His people at Harvest.
With the dissolution of Harvest Bible Fellowship in late 2017, a new church planting network was birthed in its place called the Great Commission Collective (GCC). The elders at Harvest Durham believed strongly that Lord was leading us to link arms with this network of churches and continue to carry on the mission of our church with a new name, Redemption Church.
Great Commission Collective (International)

The Great Commission Collective is a diverse collective of churches collaborating together in resourcing and supporting church planting around the world. The GCC is seeking to help plant and build churches that prioritize bold preaching; passionate worship; fervent prayer; courageous evangelism; purposeful discipleship; and strategic church planting.
Soli Deo Gloria Church (Iasi, Romania)

Soli Deo Gloria is a church in the city of Iasi, Romania, that is passionate about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It all started in the spring of 2016, when a group of people led by Pastor Iosif Marica specifically understood that God was calling them to plant a new church, in which God would be glorified by training disciples.
Redemption Church (Edmonton, Alberta)

Redemption Edmonton is a new church plant prayerfully trusting God to launch in 2022 under the leadership of Pastor Kyle Hunter in collaboration with the Great Commission Collective.
Reaching & Teaching exists to close the gap on theological education worldwide, providing culturally appropriate discipleship and training to church leaders around the world through long-term missionary mobilization, short-term theological training trips, ministry apprenticeships, and strategic church partnerships so that local pastors are well equipped to build healthy churches. Kevin and Christine were both born in Canada, but as a daughter of two Dubliners, Christine spent part of her childhood in Ireland. After marrying, they moved to Louisville, KY for Kevin to study at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Gabriels will be moving to Cork, Ireland in 2021, where they will be involved in the Cork/Kerry Project, a church planting network in Munster province. In addition, Kevin will be involved with teaching and administration at Munster Bible College, a local Bible school. https://rtim.org/about-us/our-staff/kevin-christine-gabriel/ Sign up for the Gabriel's Newsletter The Pregnancy Care Centre provides compassionate community support to women and families facing an unexpected pregnancy so that they can thrive without seeing abortion as their only option. The PCC envisions a city where no woman faces an unexpected pregnancy alone; where every mother and father has access to care, support, and community; and where parents and their unborn children are treasured by all. Mark’s outreach role with Youth Unlimited includes working directly with street and homeless youth in south central Oshawa. He also is working in some of the high school youth hubs in Durham Region as well as partnering with The Refuge and its programming in downtown Oshawa. He is continually working to serve existing community services and churches, and he coaches and equips others to impact their own community. Redeemer Fellowship is a church in the city of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, that is focused on spreading the good news of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Redeemer Fellowship is a church that is in a season of revitalization under the leadership of Pastor Izak Bakkes.Reaching and Teaching (International)
Kevin and Christine Gabriel (Cork, Ireland)
Pregnancy Care Centre (Toronto Area)
Mark Eastwood (Durham Region)
Redeemer Fellowship (Port Elizabeth, South Africa)
Financial Stewardship
Organization And Charitable Status
Annual Budget Process
Monthly Financial Review
Annual Audit
Confidential Donor Information
Join us every Sunday at 1:15pm as we worship our great god and saviour Jesus Christ!
Worship Location
Hebron Christian Reformed Church 4240 Anderson St, Whitby, ON L1R 2W1
Worship Service Times
Sunday Afternoon at 1:15pmWhat To Expect?
Generally speaking, our service begins with worship, led by a band. Most people stand during this time, however, there is complete freedom to be seated if you prefer. The words of all of the songs are projected onto a screen at the front of the worship center. Our hope is that you’ll hear songs you know or can relate to, even if you haven’t been to church in years.
Like most churches we take an offering in our service. If you are a guest, please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering. This is intended for our regular attendees who consider Redemption their church home.
As our guest, we only ask that you take a few moments to complete our Connection Card at the beginning or after our service which is found on your chair. The Connection Card is used to help us get to know you a bit. It is a place where you can request information, ask for prayer, let us know your thoughts, or just indicate your presence with us. In any case, we use it to pray for you during the week.
Redemption provides practical Bible messages that help you deal with real life issues. What you learn on the weekend, you’ll be able to use during the week.
What Should I Wear?
At Redemption Church, we focus on the heart more than the outward appearance. When you come to one of our weekend services, you will find people dressed in a wide variety of styles from as casual as jeans or shorts, to as formal as suits and dresses. However, most people find themselves somewhere in the middle–most often wearing business casual.
We do ask that people wear clothing that does not draw attention to themselves. We think that what you wear to church should not detract from the worship experience of others around you. We want all of the attention to go to Jesus Christ.
How can we serve you?
Church Office Location
Contact Us
Phone: 905-425-6425
Email: info@redemptiondurham.ca
Employment Opportunities
Thanks for your interest in working at Redemption Church. Please see below for employment opportunities, and click to view the Job Descriptions. We ask that you submit your resumes to: info@redemptiondurham.ca and please note that only applicants considered for the respective positions will be contacted.
Full-Time Worship Director - (click for Job Description)
Part-Time/Flexible Production Coordinator - (click for Job Description)