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Christianity Explored
What is Christianity Explored?
What happens at Christianity Explored?

Fundamentals of the Faith
What is Fundamentals of the Faith?
If you’ve not been baptized since placing your faith in Jesus for forgiveness of sins, the Word of God says that this is the initial act in a life of worship.
What We Believe About Baptism:
Upcoming Baptism Services
Please contact our office at to inquire of our next baptism service.
Membership Says...
I belong here.
And God says that believers belong together (Hebrews 10:23–25). I believe that God wants me here with the people of Redemption Church at this time in my walk with Christ, and I want to make a public declaration that I am committed to God’s work through this church.
I affirm, believe and support the teaching of this church.
And God says the believers had all things in common including devotion to the Apostles’ teaching (Acts 2:42–47). I desire to associate with people of like mind and conviction and embrace the authority of God’s Word in my life and the life of the church.
I share the same ministry goals as Redemption.
And God says that believers are to be committed to one another for the sake of spiritual impact (Ephesians 4:16). I believe that Jesus has work to do in the Durham Region and around the world, and I am willing to join with others who have the same vision to see that it gets done.
I accept responsibility for a group of fellow believers in the family of God.
And that is God’s plan as well (Galatians 6:1–2, 10). I want to be part of a caring network of people, sharing one another’s joys and sorrows, and helping one another grow through worship, Bible study and fellowship.
I am accountable to mature brothers and sisters in Christ for my walk with God.
And God warns against spiritual autonomy (Hebrews 13:17, Matthew 18:15–20). I want to receive the guidance, equipping, and assistance necessary to remain on target and I do not want to go it alone in standing for Jesus Christ.
I accept responsibility for how things are done here.
And God says that is how it should be (1 Corinthians 12:20–27). Elders, deacons, and other church leaders are called from within and serve the congregation. I believe every member needs to contribute their unique gifting and passion to contribute to a healthy body.
Membership Commitment
The effectiveness of our joining together will be determined by the level of the commitment I make. In a society where so few make commitments and fewer still keep them, Redemption Church is seeking people who are determined to know the joy Christ intended for His body, the Church.
Small Groups
Disciples Striving Together Toward Maturity
Serving In The Church
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45)