Services at Redemption Church
As of December 27th, due to provincial lockdown, we will be hosting ONE online service Sundays at 8:15am on our YouTube Channel. We invite you to click the following link to attend our services: Redemption Durham YouTube Channel
**Throughout this summer season, we are excited to announce that we will be hosting two in-person services at 8:15am and 11:30am (with limited capacity) at Hebron Christian Reformed Church.
For those who are unable to attend our in-person service, a livestream will be made available at the same service times so you can join as well.
In accordance with the current government restrictions, we are prepared to follow all the required safety protocols and procedures including social distancing, and we plan to use only 30% of the building capacity. Because of this, we are asking all people to register for a service time each week so we can ensure we stay within the guidelines.
Note: On the registration page (that will go live Wednesday at 7pm), you will see an opportunity for you to select an Overflow Room if you have young kids and would prefer that option over the Main Auditorium.
We ask for your patience and grace as we re-gather and work out these details together for this season.

Safety Protocols
As we open to meet again in-person, it is our desire to follow the required safety protocols and procedures put in place by our government.
Please read the document below to inform yourself of our plans and help ensure our Sunday services are safe and joy-filled for everyone.
In-Person Location
Hebron Christian Reformed Church is located in Whitby on Anderson Rd, just north of Taunton Rd.
HCRC address: 4240 Anderson St, Whitby, ON L1R 2W1
Service Times Starting October 4th: 8:15am & 11:30am
Online Giving
As we are limiting all touchpoints at our in-person services we request that you continue to give exclusively online through the means we have created .
Thanks for your continued faithfulness in supporting the work of the Lord at Redemption Church.

Need Prayer or Help?
As a church, one of our distinctives is that we believe firmly in the power of prayer, and what an opportunity we have to lean into God's promises in this season for one another.
We believe God hears our prayers and answers them in accordance with His will.
If you need help or care in any way, we would first encourage you to reach out to your small group leader, but if you're not in a small group at this time, please reach out below. We are here, as God's family, to help.

Stay Connected
Our desire is to be as helpful and transparent as possible as the COVID-19 situation continues. We will send out regular updates to inform you of all that is going on in the life of our church.
The best way to stay informed is to follow us on social media and sign-up for email updates.
Thank you for being flexible during this time!